Anastasia is 20 years old and started riding when she was 8. After the initial moments of difficulty, she discovered the Iberian world with great curiosity, building – over time – an unconditional love for Spanish competitions and her five horses: three thoroughbred Spanish horses, trained in Haute École, and two ponies, which she is currently beginning to train.
«My first mare was Megan, although now we only go on long and wonderful walks together. She was my teacher, she taught me all the basics and everything I know today I owe to her: technically and professionally».
Anastasia has been competing in Doma Classica events for one year by now and, more recently, even Doma Vaquera.
«So far, I am very pleased with the results I have achieved thanks to my horses. Yet the thing that makes me really happy is the experience we develop together, competition after competition. At times, we prepare intensely for a competition but once we enter the ring everything changes and do not go as planned. This does not discourage us – on the contrary, it is an incentive to continue working together to improve our performance every day».
Anastasia’s relationship with her horses was never finalised exclusively for competitions but takes shape, day after day, thanks to trust consolidated over the years: «For me, they are members of the family, like children, without any preference or distinction. I have a very strong, empathetic bond with all of them. I can sense how they feel: there are days when they behave in one way and others when they do the exact opposite, just like us. It’s up to me to understand them and change my approach by following their sensations».
This very special bond also took the stage during last year’s Fieracavalli:
«I truly made a dream come true by taking part with my horse in several afternoon performances in Area A. It was very rewarding and a matter of pride for me to achieve because I’ve visited Fieracavalli regularly ever since I was young girl».
It was precisely the horse show that unleashed Anastasia’s passion: «I was there, on the sidelines, admiring the various performances on the playlist when a highly experienced rider entered the scene. I was still very young, but I remember that I was enchanted, so much so that I decided there and then that this was what I wanted to do when I grew up».
Join us in Verona 9-12 November 2023 at the 125th Fieracavalli.