November 7-10, 2024

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7th - 10th november 2024

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Code of etihics

Fieracavalli has a Code of Ethics to clearly define all the values recognized, accepted and shared by Fieracavalli and that it intends to point out to Exhibitors, Visitors and, more generally, all those involved of Equidae, in various ways.
Through the Code of Ethics, Fieracavalli wishes to promote a healthy and correct human-animal interaction based on ethical and moral principles aimed at protecting and respecting the welfare of the animal understood as “sentient being”.
The equid and its health are at the heart of this initiative.
This document has been prepared with the support of the ULSS 9 Area C Scaligera of Verona in compliance with the current legislation on animal welfare as well as the guidelines contained in the “Code for the protection and management of Equidae” drawn up by the Ministry of Health.

The rules and principles indicated in this Code apply to all persons who operate in the equestrian sector within Fieracavalli for any reason, as well as to holders of licences, concessions, authorisations and for members of Registers, and in any case to all those who have relations with the event.
Both national and regional, the representatives of the category must base their internal relations with their members as well as with third parties, on the principles indicated by the Code of Ethics, denouncing behaviours and actions that do not comply with the Code itself.

All persons to whom this Code of Ethics is addressed must ensure that their activities are carried out in environments suitable for the natural needs of the Equidae, guaranteeing their Equidae, or those under management, a healthy and correct diet, living and operating conditions adequate to their physiological, and ethological needs and resorting to the administration of medicinal drugs solely for therapeutic purposes.
The owner, or whoever holds the equine animal in any capacity or has custody of it, even temporarily, is responsible for the welfare, control and management of the equine animal and is liable to persons both civilly and criminally for damage caused to the equine animal, to things and other Equidae.
Grooms and equine shield keepers must scrupulously observe the rules of proper management about:

Adequate nutrition and watering;
Clean and abundant litter box;
Cleanliness and order of the environment in which they are stationed;
Protection of the health of equidae.

The Equidae must transit through the areas reserved for them as indicated by Veronafiere, respecting the access times and the rules of use of the facilities made available to move and dress the Equidae.
All Equidae can be moved from the boxes or paddocks/halls, following the appropriate pre-established routes and in compliance with the access times, only if equipped with a correctly worn halter, or led correctly by hand or mounted, paying particular attention to visitors in order to avoid damage to people, Equidae and property, especially when leading the equid through the access gates to the halls.
It is forbidden to make practical demonstrations and/or exhibitions and/or movements not contemplated in the calendar established for each discipline outside the permitted areas.

Nei locali di detenzione degli equidi deve essere garantita:
In the hall for Equidae, the following shall be ensured:

Ventilation, natural or artificial, such as not to create direct air flows on the equids and in any case proportionate to the volume of the structure;
a temperature between 0 and 32 degrees, possibly resorting to artificial sources in the event of particularly difficult weather conditions;
adequate fixed or mobile lighting such that Equidae are not forced to prolonged periods of darkness or constantly exposed to lighting;
Protection against excessive noise for a long period
Hall’s lighting is expected to be lowered by 11.00 p.m.

The transport of Equidae, including the loading and unloading phases, must be carried out in compliance with Regulation (CE) No. 1/2005 and subsequent additions and be adapted to the physiological, morphological and ethological needs of the equid, avoiding any suffering and take place with due care and without unnecessary delays.
The equid must travel safely with the necessary protection.

The fight against doping is a fundamental purpose of the application of this Code of Ethics, as, in addition to being a phenomenon in open contradiction with the ethics of sport, doping seriously harms the health of Equidae and irreparably damages the credibility of the equestrian sector. Fieracavalli, within the limits of its knowledge and within the scope of its activities, undertakes to provide unconditional collaboration and availability to the competent bodies in charge of carrying out anti-doping controls.

The identity document must accompany the equid in all its movements.
For Equidae identification, we apply Regulation (EC) No. 504/2008, in force since 1 July 2009.
The owner and/or keeper of the equid must provide truthfully and transparently all the elements and data necessary for the identification of the specimen and to certify its state of health. He must also declare the place of origin of the equid (address and housing address). Arrival at the fair will take place via online check-in at least four days before the start of the event.
Each subject will be assigned a QR code that must be affixed to the outside of the box and which can be consulted by everyone to understand their genealogy and origin.
The equidae authorized to circulate outside the pavilions will be identified with headboard numbers that will correspond to the number of the subject’s box.


Under penalty of immediate expulsion and sanctions as provided for by the regulations for the protection of Equidae it is absolutely forbidden the use of tools, harnesses or any other means or substances that may in any way alter the performance of Equidae, modify their behaviour or conceal health problems or cause physical and moral damage. The use of regulated harnesses must be constantly checked and must not cause pain, physical or moral damage.

Anyone who subjects the equid to: excess work with evident sweat, activity not provided for by the regulations and outside the hours of the event, practices a dangerous and coercive mounting, causes injuries of any kind to the equid, inflicts excessive punishments, does not stop at the call of the authorities will be expelled from the fair with immediate effect.
The use of training tools or techniques that cause harm to the equid is prohibited, including, but not limited to:

Whipping, beating, or overusing spurs, as well as subduing the equid by the use of any type of equipment, tools, equipment, or procedures capable of causing pain.
Compete or exhibit an injured, exhausted, malnourished, lameness or weather condition that compromises its safety and well-being.
Sensitizing or desensitizing any part of an equid in an abnormal way (using doping, stinging, tranquilizing substances, etc.)
Leave the equid without food and/or water and without ensuring adequate daily exercise.
Immobilize or isolate an equid for long periods preventing its most basic movements.

They will be brought under control Equidae that have been weakened and/or marked with a spur in which the presence of blood is evident;
They will be brought under control Equidae with evident fresh wounds due to the incorrect use of harnesses (es cagna);
The use of the Spanish “serreta” without protection is prohibited inside the fair.
Inside the boxes where equids are housed it is forbidden to insert material of any kind
It is forbidden to keep saddled Equidae in box for more than 1 hour.
It is forbidden to drink alcohol and smoke in Equidae stables and near Equidae.
It is forbidden to keep Equidae stationary in warm up arenas, saddled and tied for more than half an hour
The stewards in charge of warm up and competition arenas will have to be careful and stop lame equids, prolonged work, excessive punishments (e.g. pulls in the mouth, rams, hyper-flexed equids in a rollkur attitude, whipping)
Riders who present Equidae in the rollkur position will be recalled immediately.
Equidae must move safely, by hand or mounted, only in the areas prepared and equipped with non-slip flooring inside the pavilions.
Performances on the asphalt, on the paths connecting the various pavilions and in any case outside the areas set up for the equids themselves are prohibited.
Equidae must be given the correct diet (established according to individual needs) and always have fresh, clean water available.
There must be a clean and abundant bedding in the box that allows the equid to roll and lie down.
During the night the light inside the Pavilions will be significantly lowered to allow the equids to rest peacefully.
All those who handle Equidae both during exhibitions and when moving around Fieracavalli are required to pay attention to visitors to avoid damage to people, Equidae and property. It is forbidden to transit with Equidae in areas forbidden to their passage.
The equidae must transit through the areas reserved for them as indicated by Veronafiere. It is mandatory to respect the access times and the rules of use of the arenas made available to move and work the Equidae during the fais
It is forbidden to make practical demonstrations or exhibitions not contemplated in the calendar established for each discipline outside the permitted areas and times indicated and in areas considered dangerous for people, equidae or property.

The Association/the Knight undertakes to read and adopt this code of ethics and must take care that all its members read it completely
For acknowledgment and acceptance.

Longines FEI Jumping World Cup e Gala d’Oro

Longines FEI Jumping World Cup and Golden Gala


Area Commerciale Top Brand e Campo prova FWC

Top Brand Commercial Area and FWC Test Field

Arena FISE

Purosangue arabo e GIA

Arabian Horse and GIA


Area Commerciale B2C

B2C Commercial Area

Area Commerciale B2B

B2B Commercial Area

Salone cavallo Iberico e Horse Friendly Arena

Iberian Horse Salon and Horse Friendly Arena

Barrel Racing e Pole Bending

Barrel Racing and Pole Bending

Perimetro sicurezza cavalli

Perimeter safety horses


Perimetro sicurezza cavalli
Perimeter safety horses

Morfologie Razze Americane, SEF Italia, Special Events

American Breed Morphologies, SEF Italy, Special Events

Food Court

Area Kids

Salone del Turismo Rurale e dei Prodotti Tipici e Area Family
Exhibition of Rural Tourism and Typical Products and Family Area
Area H
Area F
Area E
Area C
Area D
Area B
Area A




Longines FEI Jumping World Cup e Gala d’Oro
Longines FEI Jumpinag World Cup and Golden Gala


Area Commerciale Top Brand e Campo prova FWC

Top Brand Commercial Area and FWC Test Field

Arena FISE

Purosangue arabo e GIA
Arabian Horse and GIA


Area Commerciale B2C
B2C Commercial Area
Area Commerciale B2B
B2B Commercial Area
Salone cavallo Iberico e Horse Friendly Arena
Iberian Horse Salon and Horse Friendly Arena
Barrel Racing e Pole Bending
Barrel Racing and Pole Bending
Perimetro sicurezza cavalli
Perimeter safety horses
Perimetro sicurezza cavalli
Perimeter safety horses
Morfologie Razze Americane, SEF Italia, Special Events
American Breed Morphologies, SEF Italy, Special Events

Food Court

Area Kids

Salone del Turismo Rurale e dei Prodotti Tipici e Area Family
Exhibition of Rural Tourism and Typical Products and Family Area

Area H

Area F

Area E

Area C

Area D

Area B

Area A





Longines FEI Jumping World Cup e Gala d’Oro

Longines FEI Jumping World Cup and Golden Gala


Area Commerciale Top Brand e Campo prova FWC

Top Brand Commercial Area and FWC Test Field

Arena FISE

Purosangue arabo e GIA

Arabian Horse and GIA


Area Commerciale B2C

B2C Commercial Area

Area Commerciale B2B

B2B Commercial Area

Salone cavallo Iberico e Horse Friendly Arena

Iberian Horse Salon and Horse Friendly Arena

Barrel Racing e Pole Bending

Barrel Racing and Pole Bending

Perimetro sicurezza cavalli

Perimeter safety horses


Perimetro sicurezza cavalli
Perimeter safety horses

Morfologie Razze Americane, SEF Italia, Special Events

American Breed Morphologies, SEF Italy, Special Events

Food Court

Area Kids

Salone del Turismo Rurale e dei Prodotti Tipici e Area Family
Exhibition of Rural Tourism and Typical Products and Family Area
Area H
Area F
Area E
Area C
Area D
Area B
Area A




Longines FEI Jumping World Cup e Gala d’Oro Longines FEI Jumpinag World Cup and Golden Gala


Area Commerciale Top Brand e Campo prova FWC

Top Brand Commercial Area and FWC Test Field

Arena FISE

Purosangue arabo e GIA Arabian Horse and GIA


Area Commerciale B2C B2C Commercial Area
Area Commerciale B2B B2B Commercial Area
Salone cavallo Iberico e Horse Friendly Arena Iberian Horse Salon and Horse Friendly Arena
Barrel Racing e Pole Bending Barrel Racing and Pole Bending
Perimetro sicurezza cavalli Perimeter safety horses
Animazioni Animation
Perimetro sicurezza cavalli Perimeter safety horses
Morfologie Razze Americane, SEF Italia, Special Events American Breed Morphologies, SEF Italy, Special Events

Food Court

Area Kids

Salone del Turismo Rurale e dei Prodotti Tipici e Area Family Exhibition of Rural Tourism and Typical Products and Family Area

Area H

Area F

Area E

Area C

Area D

Area B

Area A