An agreement has been reached at Fieracavalli for a Memorandum of Understanding between Federparchi – the federation that brings together 24 National Parks and over 100 Regional Parks – and Natura a Cavallo, the association that has been promoting equestrian tourism throughout Italy for 35 years.
The agreement involves the creation of dedicated bridle paths for riders in Italian natural parks with the aim of reconciling equestrian tourism with environmental protection. The project initially includes a trial period within a limited number of parks before exporting the proven best practices to all protected areas.
The first experiment will take place in the spring of 2024: Natura a Cavallo is planning a two-week journey, starting from the Alta Murgia Park in Puglia, crossing the Apennine Lucano Park, and ending in the Pollino Park in Calabria. In the long term, the goal is to establish a network of riding trails that traverse all Italian parks, covering 20% of the national territory.
An experience capable of rediscovering the purest soul of our country.