Horse Watching is an innovative approach to communicate with horses through the creation of a special attunement. This, is only achieved through observation and understanding of their life in the wild.
It is method that aims to shine a spotlight on the need to improve and raise awareness about environmental and animal welfare issues. It is an opportunity to be able to learn from horses, listen to them and respect them, improving both their lives and our relationships with them. By understanding their desires, observing how they relate to their peers and how they communicate, we will be able to help our faithful friends.
Get to know each other, communicate and cooperate.
While this concept is more widespread abroad, in Italy – due to limited territorial characteristics – the first steps are now being taken to create places where it is possible to activate guided tours – conducted by expert ethologists and veterinarians – in order to observe horses in their natural environments.
At the country house “My Homeland” in Varese, is based the Islander Project, where all horses involved, are rehabilitated and reintegrated into natural herd life, and supported in restoring social relationships first with their peers and later, with humans.
It is a place tailored for horses, where they are free to be themselves.