Physical and mental well-being, along with mutual respect and trust, form the basis of the ethological training methodologies that will be back on stage in Hall 11 of the HORSE FRIENDLY ARENA, entirely dedicated to raising awareness about horse welfare.
The project, led by horseman Umberto Scotti with the close collaboration of Marzia Garrani, will bring together trainers and operators from the most important schools of excellence, ready to share with the public the best training and operational practices aimed at interpreting the language of the horse with increasing attention to its physical and mental well-being.
In the first RING, five important schools will be presented: GRUPPO ITALIANO ECOLE DE LÉGÈRETÉ, TEAM ITALIANO ISTRUTTORI PARELLI, EQUITAZIONE CLASSICA IN LEGEREZZA, Master Instructor FRANCO GIANI and instructors CHIARA ANGELINI and FAUSTO STURARO who will dedicate themselves to presenting to the public, the importance of the man-horse relationship based on communication.
In the second RING, great space will be given to free-range work with horses, training work presented by young trainers that is based on nonverbal communication and mutual trust and respect between man and horse. Participants of the event will thus be able to learn to understand and recognize the language and needs of our horses. This RING will also feature CARABINIERI, FISE, FiteTrecAnte and Asi with speeches and performances by young riders.
Finally, in the third RING, there will be practical demonstrations by professionals who work closely with horses on a daily basis to ensure their well-being: osteopaths, veterinarians, farriers and equestrians, as well as other internationally renowned trainers and riders.
The new HORSE FRIENDLY ARENA awaits you in Hall 11 at the 126th edition of Fieracavalli.