At the final press conference that greeted the 2022 winner of the Verona leg of the Fei Longines Jumping World Cup™, words of great satisfaction were expressed by both the top management of VeronaFiere and the Italian Equestrian Sports Federation.
Bricolo: growing attendance and Arena hypothesis for the future
Federico Bricolo, President of Veronafiere, expressed all his satisfaction for the excellent success of the 124th edition of Fieracavalli: “The attendance figures, with the return to the traditional four days, have returned our exhibition to us in all its value. In recent days there has been talk of the possible return of major international sporting events to the Arena: the jewel of our city has in the past also hosted equestrian competitions. We will see if there will be this opportunity in the future’.
L’Ad Maurizio Danese: centralità internazionale
Maurizio Danese, amministratore delegato di Veronafiere, ha sottolineato la riuscita di Jumping Verona 2022: «Ormai dal 2012 offriamo una vera e propria cittadella d’eccellenza, a livello di strutture per gli addetti ai lavori e per il pubblico, con gare che vedono la partecipazione dei migliori binomi mondiali. Con questa edizione, Jumping Verona ha ribadito la sua centralità nel panorama del salto ostacoli internazionale».
Marco Di Paola: always a new emotion
“Fieracavalli surprises me every year when I enter its gates. It is truly an all-round cross-section of the horse world: a reality that has no equals in Europe and Jumping Verona is one of the most appreciated FEI Longines World Cup™ stages in the world. For our Federation it is an unmissable appointment both for basic riding, which brings together in the ArenaFISE pavilion the very young riders who are the hopes of the future, and for top riding with the best in the world in the Longines FEI Jumping World Cup™ competitions”.