By purchasing a ticket (for buyers) and displaying the ticket to reception staff upon entry to the Exhibition Centre (for holders of other tickets) visitors fully accept and confirm their agreement with the Terms and Conditions of the Visitors Regulations published by Veronafiere S.p.A. (the complete version is available here.)
Tickets are not transferable between persons, therefore registration is required.
The Jumping Verona and Gala d’Oro ticket office will soon be open.
This year there will be NO combo packages “Fieracavalli + Jumping Verona” and “Fieracavalli + Gala d’Oro”.
Tickets for each event (Fieracavalli, Jumping Verona and Gala d’Oro) must be purchased individually.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday: 9 a.m. – 11 p.m.
Sunday: 9 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Please note that the commercial halls close at 7.00p.m.
During the evening hours, the show areas, competition rings and food stands remain open.
Ticket offices close at 9.00 p.m. (Sunday 10th at 5.00 p.m.)
Last access allowed at 9.30p.m. (Sunday 10th at 5.30p.m.)
online: €24.00* full – €17,00* reduced
at the cash desk: €27.00 full – €19,00 reduced
Reduced evening: €10,00* (only on Thursday. Friday and Saturday with access after 7.30p.m.)
* excluding any pre-sales and service fees
Fair Admission: Cangrande, San Zeno, Re Teodorico
Reduced or free tickets for the categories listed below are issued exclusively at the cash desk on presentation of a valid identity document certifying age.
Reduced or free tickets for visitors with special needs are issued exclusively at the cash desk upon presentation of the required documentation.
* upon presentation of certification or documentation proving 100% disability, 80% to 100% Work disability, Service disability ascribed to the 1st Category, absolute blindness or residual vision not exceeding 1/10 in both eyes with possible correction, deafness).
** upon presentation of a suitable disability certificate issued by the Ministry of the Treasury or Ministry of the Economy (civil invalid, civil blind person, deaf person, invalid at work, great invalid or invalid for service) or war invalid card or disabled parking card together with an identity document.
In the case of foreign nationals, upon presentation of a document attesting to their disability or disabled parking card together with proof of identity.
online: €21.00*/each. (* excluding any pre-sales and service fees)
For information: [email protected]
online: €21.00*/each. (* excluding any pre-sales and service fees)
For information: [email protected]
Reduced tickets and free admission tickets for primary and secondary schools will be issued exclusively at the dedicated cash desk at the Cangrande entrance upon presentation of the list of participants (Name and Surname of accompanying students and teachers) on school letterhead. In order to optimize admission procedures, it is compulsory to send the document in advance to [email protected] specifying the day of the visit no later than Friday 25th October.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday: 9 a.m. – 11 p.m.
Sunday: 9 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Please note that the commercial halls close at 7.00p.m.
During the evening hours, the show areas, competition rings and food stands remain open.
Ticket offices close at 9.00 p.m. (Sunday 10th at 5.00 p.m.)
Last access allowed at 9.30p.m. (Sunday 10th at 5.30p.m.)
online: €24.00* full – €17,00* reduced
at the cash desk: €27.00 full – €19,00 reduced
Reduced evening: €10,00* (only on Thursday. Friday and Saturday with access after 7.30p.m.)
* excluding any pre-sales and service fees
Fair Admission: Cangrande, San Zeno, Re Teodorico
Reduced or free tickets for the categories listed below are issued exclusively at the cash desk on presentation of a valid identity document certifying age.
Reduced or free tickets for visitors with special needs are issued exclusively at the cash desk upon presentation of the required documentation.
* upon presentation of certification or documentation proving 100% disability, 80% to 100% Work disability, Service disability ascribed to the 1st Category, absolute blindness or residual vision not exceeding 1/10 in both eyes with possible correction, deafness).
** upon presentation of a suitable disability certificate issued by the Ministry of the Treasury or Ministry of the Economy (civil invalid, civil blind person, deaf person, invalid at work, great invalid or invalid for service) or war invalid card or disabled parking card together with an identity document.
In the case of foreign nationals, upon presentation of a document attesting to their disability or disabled parking card together with proof of identity.
online: €21.00*/each. (* excluding any pre-sales and service fees)
For information: [email protected]
online: €21.00*/each. (* excluding any pre-sales and service fees)
For information: [email protected]
Reduced tickets and free admission tickets for primary and secondary schools will be issued exclusively at the dedicated cash desk at the Cangrande entrance upon presentation of the list of participants (Name and Surname of accompanying students and teachers) on school letterhead. In order to optimize admission procedures, it is compulsory to send the document in advance to [email protected] specifying the day of the visit no later than Friday 25th October.
Escluse commissioni di servizio pari all’8%
Acquistando il biglietto online è possibile scegliere il posto a sedere in tribuna.
Venerdì 8 novembre, inoltre, una grande novità che unirà sport e spettacolo*: CRAZY HORSE DAY by Handtmann in cui, dalla mattina alla sera, le gare in programma saranno intervallate da dj set ed esibizioni. A chiudere la giornata “Il Musical Equestre” – con la direzione artistica di Gessica Notaro – e “Fashion & Horses”, una sfilata di moda a sfondo sociale.
*Il biglietto di venerdì 8 novembre per Jumping Verona ti permette di assistere non solo alle gare, ma anche a tutti gli spettacoli previsti durante la giornata.
Giovedì 7 e sabato 9 novembre a Fieracavalli è di scena il Gala d’Oro, lo spettacolo di arte equestre che accende le notti veronesi alla fine di una giornata interamente dedicata al cavallo.
Dieci esibizioni uniche che vedranno la presenza di artisti del calibro di Jean-François Pignon, Rudj Bellini insieme a Gessica Notaro, Mirela Paulus, Carmelo Saenz Mendoza e la Compagnie Jehol. Giovedì 7, inoltre, in programma anche un momento speciale pre-Gala con la cerimonia di apertura della Longines FEI Jumping World CupTM e la celebrazione di Sara Morganti, l’atleta italiana che ha conquisto ben due medaglie nel paradressage – una d’argento e una di bronzo – alle scorse Paralimpiadi di Parigi.
“The only external agency authorized to offer advertising on behalf of Fieracavalli is ZED_COMM SAS”
Veronafiere S.p.A. Viale del Lavoro 8 - 37135 Verona - Italy - VAT. 00233750231 - All Right Reserved
Longines FEI Jumping World Cup e Gala d’Oro
Area Commerciale Top Brand e Campo prova FWC
Arena FISE
Purosangue arabo e GIA
Area Commerciale B2C
Area Commerciale B2B
Salone cavallo Iberico e Horse Friendly Arena
Barrel Racing e Pole Bending
Perimetro sicurezza cavalli
Morfologie Razze Americane, SEF Italia, Special Events
Food Court
Area Kids
Area Commerciale Top Brand e Campo prova FWC
Top Brand Commercial Area and FWC Test Field
Arena FISE
Food Court
Area Kids
Area H
Area F
Area E
Area C
Area D
Area B
Area A
Longines FEI Jumping World Cup e Gala d’Oro
Area Commerciale Top Brand e Campo prova FWC
Arena FISE
Purosangue arabo e GIA
Area Commerciale B2C
Area Commerciale B2B
Salone cavallo Iberico e Horse Friendly Arena
Barrel Racing e Pole Bending
Perimetro sicurezza cavalli
Morfologie Razze Americane, SEF Italia, Special Events
Food Court
Area Kids
Area Commerciale Top Brand e Campo prova FWC
Top Brand Commercial Area and FWC Test Field
Arena FISE
Food Court
Area Kids
Area H
Area F
Area E
Area C
Area D
Area B
Area A